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Sal's Authentic NY Pizza - Fort Street

조회수: 128



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MetaFilter | Community Weblog [2021년 02월 05일]
it "authentic" but hesitated. I realized I had no idea what "authentic" Chinese food was... In some areas outside of Rio, you can even find street dogs loaded with olives, ground beef...

ABC 뉴질랜드 1800-9820 [2016년 12월 01일]
Albert Street, Auckland 1010, New Zealand +64 9-365 1266 뉴질랜드 자체의 레스토랑은 아니지만 ' 난 피자를 정말정말 좋아한다!!!' 하는 분들이라면 들어보셧을 바로 그 가게! 'Sal's Authentic New York Pizza' 입니다...

MetaFilter | Community Weblog [1990년 01월 01일]
posted by Diablevert at 7:38 AM on January 31, 2014 [9 favorites] Fort Worth - Fairmount.... Their pick for DC (H Street) is so right as to be boring, though. posted by Bulgaroktonos at...