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Juk-Jo Restaurant

조회수: 225



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서동예술창작공간에 방문해주셔서 감사합니다. [2016년 05월 26일]
One Jo Juk Jib 원조죽집 Hello, could you introduce your restaurant to us? 안녕하세요, 이 식당에 대해 소개해 주실 수 있나요? We would like to know about the business history. 이 식당에...

서동미로시장 [2015년 11월 03일]
We wanted to find a store to ask for it, but when we asked at ‘One-jo-juk-jib’ - which is a kimbap and soup restaurant- to do it, something really surprising happened. That’s why we won’t write a usual...

서동예술창작공간에 방문해주셔서 감사합니다. [2015년 11월 03일]
We wanted to find a store to ask for it, but when we asked at ‘One-jo-juk-jib’ - which is a kimbap and soup restaurant- to do it, something really surprising happened. That’s why we won’t write a usual...