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LADURÉE Paris Royale Store

조회수: 105



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standard [2022년 01월 27일]
왜 우리는 문 안 열어주냐고 당황했는데 알고보니 수동이더라고 근데 뉴지하철은 자동문인 거 같긴 하더라 @LADURÉE Paris Royale Store 프랑스 마카롱은 라뒤에르랑 피에르가 양대산맥이라던데 일단 라뒤에르...

A CIRCUMAMBULATOR [2019년 07월 29일]
in Paris ― or any Ladurée around the world, for that matter ― aren’t made fresh in the store. Most of... “I want the New Yorkers to feel like they’re in Paris on the Rue Royale in 1862, to feel the same way and...

삶과 앎과 즐김 [2011년 04월 18일]
this store. Cannolis with rich chocolate topping filled with fresh cream, Italian cappuccino gelato, berry ice cream are also recommended. 사진 | 김민관 The Best Cake Shops in PARIS Galerie des Gobelins, Hôtel Plaza Athenée...

보라 셔츠 [2009년 03월 31일]
The original, Ladurée Royale on Rue Royale, doesn't open until 8:30am (and later on Sundays), so for early morning pastries drop into the Champs-Elysees store which opens at 7:30am...

pragent님의 블로그 [2008년 06월 07일]
(CNN) -- Gourmets may sigh with delight at the thought of dining in Paris, but many... (Ladurée Royale, Rue Royale or Ladurée Champs Elysées, Avenue des Champs Elysées). When it's...

푸른하늘 은하수~~ [2005년 12월 09일]
el, you can find the store where Patissier Gilles Marchal makes cakes only with the freshest ingredients. Good to stop by to enjoy the teatime from 4 ~6pm served with delicious cake and 'Thé du Bristol' Ladurée 라듀레의...